Please join us this Thursday, May 26th, from 12 – 2 pm in the Sankey Room (South Hall 2623), for a pre-mini-New Chaucer Society Conference!
This July, our Medieval Literatures research center is proud to be sending several members to the New Chaucer Society Congress in London. This Thursday, four of our members will present rough drafts of their papers to be workshopped. We will hear:
Jonathan Forbes, “Fragments of Debate: Group Experience in the Headlinks of the Canterbury Tales”
Shay Hopkins, “Encoding Wayfinding Techniques in the Hagiographies of Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 108”
Rachel Levinson-Emley, “Arcite’s Inexpressible Love: Hereos and Bleeding in The Knight’s Tale”
Paul Megna, “Chaucerian Anger”